Tagged: Passive Income

Net Worth Update - Money Tree 6

Net Worth Update – June 2018

Half of 2018 down and it is net worth checkup time again. If you are not familiar with net worth, the idea is to calculate how much your possessions are worth if you had to consolidate everything at current value right now. To calculate it, you take everything you own, work out how much it is worth, and add it up. You then subtract from that number anything you owe people (like home loan, car loan etc). That gives you a final number called your net worth. The last 6 months were not quite as good as I had hoped, but...

Net Worth Update - Money Tree 4

Net Worth Update – December 2017

The year 2017 is now (well and truly) over, and it is well past time for another net worth checkup. If you are not familiar with net worth, the idea is to calculate how much your possessions are worth if you had to consolidate everything at current value right now. To calculate it, you take everything you own, work out how much it is worth, and add it up. You then subtract from that number anything you owe people (like home loan, car loan etc). That gives you a final number called your net worth. The second half of 2017...

Net Worth Update - Money Tree 3

Net Worth Update – June 2017

The year 2017 is now over half way completed. So it is time for another net worth checkup. If you are not familiar with net worth, the idea is to calculate how much your possessions are worth if you had to consolidate everything at current value right now. To calculate it, you take everything you own, work out how much it is worth, and add it up. You then subtract from that number anything you owe people (like home loan, car loan etc). That gives you a final number called your net worth. It has been a very short first...

Net Worth Update - Money Tree 5

Net Worth Update – December 2016

The year 2017 has started, which means it is time for the six monthly check of how the net worth balance book is going. Having just finished looking at how my 2016 goals went, the details are hot off the press. So to see what the last six months have provided, read on. Given the ASX has moved from around 5310 to 5720 over the six months, it would be a fair guess that the share portion of my holdings did well. They defiantly performed better than the previous six months which was just above flat. I have also been...

Dividend Update - Relaxing Frog 3

Dividend Update – 2016 Q3

Time for my third dividend update. Can you pick the spot where in the dividend graph below I decided that the house was paid off enough to start putting some of my money into shares rather than just paying off more of the mortgage? Or how about the point in the interest graph where the house was fully paid off and the mortgage payments were redirected to savings? Graphs are good at showing changes and progress, and that is why I love them – especially for passive income. If you are new to these updates, then my first update lists more detail...

Intentionality - Door 0

Financial Intentionality – What Is Your Reason

It is not hard to guess what I am talking about when I say intentionality. Obviously I am talking about doing things with a direction, a purpose, a reason, an intent. Recently I listened to a podcast (I wish I could remember which one) that talked about the importance of being intentional in your financial choices and decisions. So I wanted to talk a little bit about my, slightly alternate view on that. I also list my (current) intentions around my finances. Having Intentionality You don’t have to know what you want to have intentionality. I know that may sound backwards, but...

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Dividend Update – 2016 Q2

So, I have finally got to a point where I can create a second post on a recurring topic – my second quarterly dividend update (and passive income in general). I must say it is a nice change from thinking about the best way to structure a topic, or from having to crystallise my point of view on a topic. You would be surprised how many times I go to start a post only to realise that there is more thinking required on the topic before I am comfortable with my viewpoint. This time however, it is all facts and figures. Bring...