New Year Goals for 2017

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4 Responses

  1. Great goals, I especially like the last one about getting to know more Australian finance bloggers. I am keen for this too! Let’s grow this community!

  2. Jef says:

    Like the goals Tom, particularly #5, which I’ve written a goals post I must say that I haven’t particularly solidified or even looked at them all that often, thanks for prompting me.. Must admit the only one I don’t like is the super one. While I’m not against super per-se it’s not something we can access or are likely to be able to access until 65 or possibly older if the govt move the goal posts.. While I know it is tax advantaged not getting access to it is a big negative point for me (I have no intention of “working” til anywhere near 65).. Different strokes for different folks though 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing about the fitness as well and thanks for sharing these!

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